Wynton HPC Credentials #

Change non-expired password #

As long as your password has not yet expired, you can change your password either via our web interface, or from the Wynton HPC command line. Only passwords adhering to the Unified UCSF Enterprise Password Standard are accepted. Attempts to update to an insufficient password will produce an informative error message.

Alt 1. From the web browser #

You can change your password before it expires using the ‘RBVI Kerberos Web Interface’ site;

  1. Go to https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/admin/chpass.py

  2. To access the page, enter your current Wynton HPC ‘Username’ (e.g. alice) and ‘Password’ (must not be expired) in the browser pop-up panel

  3. Upon successful login, you will reach the ‘Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics’ page, which allows you to set a new password

  4. Wait 10 minutes for your new password to propagate before using it

Alt 2. From the Wynton command line #

If you can log in to Wynton HPC, then you can change your credentials by calling passwd from one of the login nodes, e.g.

[alice@log2 ~]$ passwd
Changing password for user alice.
Kerberos 5 Password: 
New password: 
Retype new password: 
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
[alice@log2 ~]$ 

Wait 10 minutes for your new password to propagate before using it.

Verify credentials #

After waiting for 10 minutes for your new password to propagate, you can verify your Wynton username and password using either of the below alternatives. If neither works for you, you might have to reset your password. If so, see below for instructions.

Alt 1. Verify from your local command line using SSH #

To test your Wynton credentials, try to login to Wynton HPC via SSH. If you have SSH keys set up, you can force SSH to ignore those and only accept password entries by using:

{local}$ ssh -o PreferredAuthentications=password alice@log2.wynton.ucsf.edu

by replacing alice with your username.

Alt 2. Verify via online service #

Alternatively, you can verify your credentials from your browser:

  1. Go to https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/admin/kerbtest.py in your browser. A popup panel titled ‘Sign in https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu’ is opened by the browser.

  2. Enter your Wynton login credentials in the two fields ‘Username’ (e.g. alice) and ‘Password’ and click ‘Sign in’.

  3. If you entered correct credentials, you will get to a confirmation page saying so. If you entered incorrect credentials, there will be no error message and the popup will appear again.

Reset password #

If your Wynton password has expired, or you forgot it, please email the dedicated password-reset team at password@wynton.ucsf.edu to have it reset by UCSF IT support. Be aware that there are no support teams available to reset your password outside of regular business hours (Monday-Friday 08:00-17:00).