Available Queues #

The cluster provides different queues (“running areas”) that each is optimized for a different purpose.

Comment: Here “runtime” means “walltime”, i.e. the runtime of a job is how long it runs according to the clock on the wall, not the amount of CPU time.

Usage #

Except for the gpu.q and 4gpu.q queues, there is often no need to explicitly specify what queue your job should be submitted to. Instead, it is sufficient to specify the resources that your jobs need, e.g. the maximum processing time (e.g. -l h_rt=00:10:00 for ten minutes), the maximum memory usage (e.g. -l mem_free=1G for 1 GiB of RAM), and the number of cores (e.g. -pe smp 2 for two cores). When the scheduler knows about your job’s resource need, it will allocate your job to a compute node that better fits your needs and your job is likely to finish sooner.

Only in rare cases there should be a need to specify through what queue your job should run. To do this, you can use the -q <name> option of qsub, e.g. qsub -q long.q my_script.