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Missing Software? #
Don’t find the software you need for your analysis?
If so, you have a few options:
- Install it yourself to your own account
- Download a pre-built binary
- Build software from source (traditional, e.g.
./configure --prefix ~/software
, make
, and make install
- Use Apptainer to run it via a Linux container
- Pull down an existing image from public repositories such as Docker Hub and Biocontainers (e.g.
apptainer build blast.sif docker://biocontainers/blast:2.2.31
and apptainer exec blast.sif blastp -help
- Create your own Linux containers
- Reach out to the Wynton HPC user community
- It could be that someone else has already installed it,
is interested in also installing it, or is willing to help
- Missing core software or missing SCL?