NEWS: (For upcoming and current incidents, see the Status page)
2025-01-16: The memory limit on development nodes was decreased from 68 GiB to 48 GiB, in order to further lower the risk for these machines to run low on memory resulting in non-responsiveness.
2024-12-14: The memory limit on development nodes was decreased from 96 GiB to 68 GiB, in order to lower the risk for these machines to run low on memory resulting in non-responsiveness.
2024-12-04: The CPU quota limit on development nodes was disabled, because it resulting in sever load on the operating system from context switching.
2024-11-11: The CPU quota limit on development nodes were bumped up from 200% (“2 cores”) to 400% (“4 cores”), with the hope to lower the overall overhead from context switching.
2024-09-12: CPU and memory usage is now limited on interactive nodes for each user. On development and data-transfer nodes, each user is limited to 200% (“2 cores”) and 96 GiB of memory. On login nodes, the limits are 100% (“1 core”) and 32 GiB of memory.
Wynton HPC is a large, shared high-performance compute (HPC) cluster underlying UCSF’s Research Computing Capability. Funded and administered cooperatively by UCSF campus IT and key research groups, it is available to all UCSF researchers, and consists of different profiles suited to various biomedical and health science computing needs. Researchers can participate using the “co-op” model of resource contribution and sharing.
The Wynton HPC environment is available for free to all UCSF researchers. To join, please follow the instructions for requesting an account.
The Wynton HPC environment keeps growing as more users discover it and more groups buy into the co-op model. Each contributing member brings more resources and compute power for everyone based on a fair-share model where contributors get higher access priority than non-contributing members. Contributions to the Wynton HPC environment are non-expiring and valid for life! In addition, several UCSF centers have joined by contributing a large amount of their compute hardware to the cluster, e.g. Memory and Aging Center and QB3. For more details on where we are heading, please see the Wynton HPC Roadmap.
Please note: The Wynton HPC environment is not certified for use with Protected Health Information (PHI) unless you have a Wynton PHI account. Data containing PHI must not be transferred to, mounted on, or processed with any Wynton HPC cluster resources other than in the Wynton PHI environment. For more information or to apply for a PHI account, see Protected Health Information (PHI) on Wynton.