2023-04-02: The Singularity software was migrated to Apptainer in November 2021. We will suggest using the apptainer
command, but the alias singularity
will continue to work for the time being.
The Wynton HPC cluster supports Linux containers via the Apptainer software (formerly known as Singularity). A Linux container is an efficient and powerful virtualization method for running isolated Linux systems (“containers”) on any Linux system including the one used by our cluster.
Apptainer, and Linux containers in general, provides solutions to common problems and hurdles that HPC users often face, e.g.
Because you can create and customize your own containers, and because Apptainer also supports Docker containers, you have immediate access to a very large number of Apptainer and Docker containers available via repositories such as:
All tasks for using Linux containers, such as downloading, building, and running containers, is done via the apptainer
client and supported on Wynton HPC. The most common command calls are:
apptainer run <image>
- run predefined script within containerapptainer exec <image>
- execute any command within containerapptainer shell <image>
- run bash shell within containerapptainer build <url>
- import an existing Apptainer or Docker container available onlineapptainer build --remote <image> <def file>
- build a Apptainer from local specifications in definition fileFor full details, see apptainer --help
, man apptainer
, and the Apptainer website.
As an illustration on how to use Linux containers with Apptainer, we will use the Docker container rocker/r-base available on Docker Hub. This particular container provides the latest release of the R software in an Ubuntu OS environment. Containers available from Docker Hub, Biocontainers, and elsewhere, can be downloaded and used analogously.
To use this rocker/r-base container, we first pull it down to a Apptainer image file ~/lxc/rocker_r-base.sif
[alice@dev2 ~]$ mkdir lxc
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘lxc’: File exists
[alice@dev2 ~]$ cd lxc/
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ apptainer build rocker_r-base.sif docker://rocker/r-base
INFO: Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:bd556fe2886dac2a22b5e02cf43558766730e3423978522b24f2457ff2d489d0
Copying blob sha256:4ade4cbe0c7e776cd60102751e29ec82271b08f5a086da6ccfef0574f6a040db
Copying blob sha256:5fe7cbdf1a7c13b846f5fa6e716cf72a115b877f48d2693b9a1fbe7788d36b1d
Copying blob sha256:ebbe46658ae1eddd748e3222cbc9dd7109f9fd7f279a4b2f9d6a32d0a58b4c16
Copying blob sha256:4be550b6d67c5ef8b2ae801804eabe3acefc327f4abfa62a3e364f311a1e25b4
Copying blob sha256:5790fe4db759efadbc15af34fc7b9ae6f5ebadf8ce05baec4309b73b79cec810
Copying config sha256:6de003fbdce5b64853257f2e3d540251123c25006977d544680b6c38c21942b9
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
2023/11/15 12:34:02 info unpack layer: sha256:ebbe46658ae1eddd748e3222cbc9dd7109f9fd7f279a4b2f9d6a32d0a58b4c16
2023/11/15 12:34:04 info unpack layer: sha256:4ade4cbe0c7e776cd60102751e29ec82271b08f5a086da6ccfef0574f6a040db
2023/11/15 12:34:04 info unpack layer: sha256:4be550b6d67c5ef8b2ae801804eabe3acefc327f4abfa62a3e364f311a1e25b4
2023/11/15 12:34:05 info unpack layer: sha256:5fe7cbdf1a7c13b846f5fa6e716cf72a115b877f48d2693b9a1fbe7788d36b1d
2023/11/15 12:34:05 info unpack layer: sha256:5790fe4db759efadbc15af34fc7b9ae6f5ebadf8ce05baec4309b73b79cec810
2023/11/15 12:34:05 info unpack layer: sha256:bd556fe2886dac2a22b5e02cf43558766730e3423978522b24f2457ff2d489d0
INFO: Creating SIF file...
INFO: Build complete: rocker_r-base.sif
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ ls -l rocker_r-base.sif
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 alice boblab 325574656 Nov 15 12:34 rocker_r-base.sif
The above may take a minute or two to complete.
After this, we can run R within this container using:
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ apptainer run rocker_r-base.sif
R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) -- "Beagle Scouts"
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
Natural language support but running in an English locale
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
> sum(1:10)
[1] 55
> q()
Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: n
[alice@dev2 lxc]$
Exactly what is “run” is defined by the so called %runscript
of the Apptainer container, or the CMD
entry if imported from a Docker container. An alternative way to launch R within this container is by explicitly executing R, e.g.
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ apptainer exec rocker_r-base.sif R --quiet
> sum(1:10)
[1] 55
> q("no")
[alice@dev2 lxc]$
Note that, the Apptainer image is marked as an executable, which means you can run it as any other executable, e.g.
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ ./rocker_r-base.sif
R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16) -- "Beagle Scouts"
Copyright (C) 2023 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
Natural language support but running in an English locale
R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.
> sum(1:10)
[1] 55
> q("no")
[alice@dev2 lxc]$
To launch a shell within this container, and to also convince yourselves that the container runs Ubuntu (and not Rocky 8 as on the Wynton HPC host system), do:
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ apptainer shell rocker_r-base.sif
Apptainer> head -3 /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux bookworm/sid"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
Apptainer> Rscript --version
Rscript (R) version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16)
Apptainer> exit
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ head -3 /etc/os-release
NAME="Rocky Linux"
VERSION="8.8 (Green Obsidian)"
When running a container, only a few of the folders available “outside” are available “inside” the container. By default, you have access to the current working directory (= $PWD
) and your home folder (= $HOME
). In contrast, without further specifications, you will not have access to standard folders such as local /scratch
and global /wynton/scratch
. Similarly, lab folders such as /wynton/group/boblab
are not available from inside the container.
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ apptainer shell rocker_r-base.sif
Apptainer> ls /scratch
ls: cannot access '/scratch': No such file or directory
Apptainer> ls /wynton/scratch
ls: cannot access '/wynton/scratch': No such file or directory
Apptainer> ls /wynton/group/boblab
ls: cannot access '/wynton/group/boblab': No such file or directory
Apptainer> echo "$TMPDIR"
Apptainer> ls -dF "$TMPDIR"
ls: cannot access '/scratch/alice': No such file or directory
Apptainer> mktemp
mktemp: failed to create file via template ‘/scratch/alice/tmp.XXXXXXXXXX’: No such file or directory
To make also these folders available within the container, we can use apptainer
option --bind
. In its simplest form, we can just list the folders we want to make available, e.g.
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ apptainer shell --bind /scratch,/wynton/scratch,/wynton/group/boblab rocker_r-base.sif
Apptainer> echo "$TMPDIR"
Apptainer> ls -dF "$TMPDIR"
Apptainer> mktemp
Apptainer> ls -dF /wynton/scratch/alice
Apptainer> ls /wynton/group/boblab
data1 data2
One can also use --bind
to bind a folder inside the container to a folder at another location with a different name outside the container. For example, if a tool writes to /var/log
, you can access those log files outside of the container afterward by using:
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ mkdir -p extra/logs
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ echo "Hello world" > extra/logs/hello.txt
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ apptainer shell --bind extra/logs:/var/log rocker_r-base.sif
Apptainer> date > /var/log/timestamp
Apptainer> ls /var/log
hello.txt timestamp
Apptainer> exit
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ ls extra/logs
hello.txt timestamp
See apptainer help instance start
for more details and other ways to mount and rename folders within the container.
When it comes to the scheduler, there is nothing special about Apptainer per se - the Apptainer software can be used as any other software on the cluster. As a proof of concept, here is how to calculate the sum of one to ten using R within the above Linux container at the command line:
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ apptainer exec "rocker_r-base.sif" Rscript -e "sum(1:10)"
[1] 55
[alice@dev2 lxc]$
To run this as a batch job, we need to create a job script.
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ cat demo-apptainer.sh
#$ -S /bin/bash
#$ -cwd
#$ -j y
#$ -N demo-apptainer
#$ -l mem_free=100M
#$ -l h_rt=00:05:00
## Remember to bind TMPDIR
apptainer exec --bind "$TMPDIR" rocker_r-base.sif Rscript -e "sum(1:10)"
And now submit with qsub
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ qsub demo-apptainer.sh
Your job 1657 ("hello_world") has been submitted
Check results:
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ cat demo-apptainer.o5987
[1] 55
Sometimes you need to build custom Linux container from a *.def
definition file. In the past, when Singularity was used, this
required administrative (“sudo”) privileges. However, with the
introduction of Apptainer, any user can now build container images
also from scratch from one of the Wynton HPC development
For example, consider the following isoseq3.def
file, which builds
upon a Docker Miniconda3 image (available at
https://hub.docker.com/r/continuumio/miniconda3) and extends it by
installing isoseq3
from the Bioconda channel (available at
Bootstrap: docker
From: continuumio/miniconda3
/opt/conda/bin/conda config --set notify_outdated_conda false
/opt/conda/bin/conda config --add channels bioconda
/opt/conda/bin/conda install isoseq3
isoseq3 "$@"
To build a container image from this definition file, use apptainer
as in:
[alice@dev2 ~]$ mkdir lxc
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘lxc’: File exists
[alice@dev2 ~]$ cd lxc/
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ apptainer build isoseq3.sif isoseq3.def
INFO: User not listed in /etc/subuid, trying root-mapped namespace
INFO: The %post section will be run under fakeroot
INFO: Starting build...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:129bc9a4304fe3a6ef0435e6698ab6bc2728b6f92078718fb28cb4b54ac59e96
Copying blob sha256:e67fdae3559346105027c63e7fb032bba57e62b1fe9f2da23e6fdfb56384e00b
Copying blob sha256:62aa66a9c405da603a06d242539b8f0dd178ae4179bf52584bbcce7a0471795f
Copying config sha256:6fbaadd54391b461351b02c0ddaf2bf284a2dcc9817f5685e07b2602e30f2b5c
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
2023/11/15 13:18:59 info unpack layer: sha256:e67fdae3559346105027c63e7fb032bba57e62b1fe9f2da23e6fdfb56384e00b
2023/11/15 13:19:01 info unpack layer: sha256:62aa66a9c405da603a06d242539b8f0dd178ae4179bf52584bbcce7a0471795f
2023/11/15 13:19:03 info unpack layer: sha256:129bc9a4304fe3a6ef0435e6698ab6bc2728b6f92078718fb28cb4b54ac59e96
INFO: Running post scriptlet
+ /opt/conda/bin/conda config --set notify_outdated_conda false
+ /opt/conda/bin/conda config --add channels bioconda
+ /opt/conda/bin/conda install isoseq3
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...working... done
Solving environment: ...working... done
## Package Plan ##
environment location: /opt/conda
added / updated specs:
- isoseq3
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
isoseq-4.0.0 | h9ee0642_0 2.9 MB bioconda
isoseq3-4.0.0 | h9ee0642_0 7 KB bioconda
openssl-3.0.12 | h7f8727e_0 5.2 MB
Total: 8.1 MB
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
isoseq bioconda/linux-64::isoseq-4.0.0-h9ee0642_0
isoseq3 bioconda/linux-64::isoseq3-4.0.0-h9ee0642_0
The following packages will be UPDATED:
openssl 3.0.11-h7f8727e_2 --> 3.0.12-h7f8727e_0
Proceed ([y]/n)?
Downloading and Extracting Packages: ...working... done
Preparing transaction: ...working... done
Verifying transaction: ...working... done
Executing transaction: ...working... done
INFO: Adding runscript
INFO: Creating SIF file...
INFO: Build complete: isoseq3.sif
The results is a container image file named isoseq3.sif
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ ls -l isoseq3.sif
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 alice boblab 214814720 Nov 15 2023 isoseq3.sif
[alice@dev2 lxc]$
Because the definition file has a %runscript
entry, we can call this image directly as-is, e.g.
[alice@dev2 lxc]$ ./isoseq3.sif --version
isoseq 4.0.0 (commit v4.0.0)
pbbam : 2.4.99 (commit v2.4.0-16-g5cc6e4b)
pbcopper : 2.3.99 (commit v2.3.0-14-g5ac5693)
pbmm2 : 1.11.99 (commit v1.11.0-1-g1b5a417)
minimap2 : 2.15
parasail : 2.1.3
boost : 1.77
htslib : 1.17
zlib : 1.2.13
[alice@dev2 lxc]$
Q. Why not Docker?
A. Docker is one of the most popular and well-known software solutions for using Linux Containers. However, contrary to Apptainer, it turns out that it is hard to get Docker to play well with multi-tenant HPC environments.
Q. What happened to Singularity?
A. The Apptainer software is a fork of the Singularity software from 2021. For backward compatibility, the singularity
command is an alias to the apptainer
command. We suggest that you update your script to use apptainer
Q. What’s the filename extension *.sif
A. First of all, the filename extension is optional, and some prefer to drop them, e.g. rocker_r-base
instead of rocker_r-base.sif
. SIF, which is short for the Singularity Container Image Format, is a file format that can hold a Linux container environments in a single file. You might also run into old Singularity images named *.img
and *.simg
, which are legacy file formats that Singularity used in the past, where *.img
indicates a writable (ext3) images whereas *.simg
indicates a read-only (squashfs) image.