Examples not working?

GPU Scheduling #

Compiling GPU applications #

The CUDA Toolkit is installed on the development nodes. Several versions of CUDA are available via software modules. To see the currently available versions, run the command:

module avail cuda

Submitting GPU jobs #

GPU jobs run in a dedicated queue which must be requested in the job submission. Each slot in this queue represents a GPU that the job will use. Therefore, users must ensure that every job’s GPU use matches its submission request. For a job using a single GPU, the submission should look like:

qsub -q gpu.q ...

Jobs requiring more than one GPU must be submitted like this:

qsub -q gpu.q -pe smp N ...

where N is the number of GPUs the job will use.

If your application requires MPI, you should still use the proper parallel environment regardless of how many GPUs you’ll be using:

qsub -q gpu.q -pe mpi_onehost N ...
mpirun -np M --oversubscribe ...

where N is the number of GPUs your job will use and M is the number of MPI processes your job will launch. M does not have to equal N (see below). Please note that, at the moment, each GPU job must limit itself to a single host.

NOTE: GPU jobs must include a runtime request, i.e. -l h_rt=HH:MM:SS. This allows for proper scheduling of GPU jobs on member and institutional nodes. If your job does not include a runtime request, it may be removed from the queue. Runtime requests are hard limits, so your job will be killed by SGE when it hits this limit. Be sure to request enough time for you job to finish.

Submitting GPU jobs to the MSG 4-GPU nodes #

The 4gpu.q has 28 GPUs on 7 nodes. These GPUs are reserved such that all 4 on the node are reserved when a job is submitted to the queue.

To submit a 4-GPU job to a host a dedicated 4-GPU host, do this:

qsub -q 4gpu.q ...

Submitting Multi-Node Multi-GPU jobs #

We have setup a trial of multi-node GPU jobs on Wynton. This enables you to run jobs on all the GPUs of more than one server. To run a multi-node GPU, job, you must do the following:

1) Submit to the MPI PE and request a number of slots equal to the number of GPUs you want to use. Assuming you want to use all A40s, the number should be a multiple of 4. Example: "-pe mpi 8".

2) Request the “exclusive” resource: "-l excl=true"

And that’s all that’s required. You’ll need to use ‘mpirun’ to launch your applications on the hosts assigned to the job. And you’ll likely want to tailor the rest of your qsub flags to make sure you run on hosts with the same GPU types. Also, you’ll really want to set “-R y” to turn on reservations. As with all parallel jobs, keep in mind that the more resources you request, the longer your wait time will be.

More information about using OpenMPI is on our website here: Using OpenMPI on Wynton

Please let us know how your testing goes. We’ve done limited testing of our own (only the scheduling piece), but some things are sure to come up that we didn’t see there. We’ll be happy to tweak as we go along.


In addition, a discussion group has been started on the Wynton Slack by the Wynton Users who are currently testing the feature:


GPU relevant resource requests #

The GPU nodes in Wynton HPC contain many different generations and models of NVIDIA GPUs. In order to ensure that your GPU jobs run on GPUs with the proper capabilities, there are two SGE resource complexes assigned to each GPU node:

  1. compute_cap - describes the Compute Capability (or SM version) of the GPUs in the node (see NVIDIA’s CUDA GPU page for more details). compute_cap is an integer in keeping with the relevant flags to nvcc. For example, a Compute Capability of 6.1 (e.g. GeForce GTX 1080) is represented by compute_cap=61.

  2. gpu_mem - describes how much GPU memory the GPUs in the node have. It’s defined in units of MiB.

Specifying either of these resources is not required. If you do specify one, your job will be scheduled on a GPU node with resources >= those that you requested. As an example, if you wanted to only run on at least GeForce GTX 1080 generation nodes with more than 10 GB of GPU memory, you would specify:

-l compute_cap=61,gpu_mem=10000M

A40 GPU Node CUDA Compatibility #

If you see an error similar to RuntimeError: CUDA error: no kernel image is available for execution on the device this means your software has been compiled against a CUDA version which is not compatible with the GPU in the node your job is trying to run on. CUDA versions are usually backwards compatible. However, newer GPUs, like the A40 GPUs in the qb3-atgpu nodes, may require a minimum CUDA version. If your software is compiled against a version of CUDA less than CUDA-11.1, it will not run on the qb3-atgpu GPU nodes. To fix, recompile your software against the Wynton cuda/11.5 module (preferable) or avoid the qb3-atgpu nodes (not recommended, as these are the fastest and most numerous institutional GPUs in the Wynton cluster). To tell the scheduler to skip the qb3-atgpu nodes, use limitation -l h='!qb3-atgpu*' on the command line or in your job script.

Running GPU applications #

Several CUDA runtimes are installed on the GPU nodes. They can be loaded via modules just as above on the development nodes, e.g. module load cuda and module load cuda/7.5.

GPU selection #

When your job is assigned to a node, it will also be assigned specific GPUs on that node. The GPU assignment will be contained in the environment variable SGE_GPU as a comma-delimited set of one or more non-negative integers where then number of integers corresponds to the number of GPU cores requested. For example, a 3-core GPU job (-q gpu.q -pe smp 3) may get assigned GPU cores SGE_GPU=2,0,6 whereas a 1-core GPU job (-q gpu.q) may get assigned GPU core SGE_GPU=5. Be sure to send this GPU-core assignment to your application using the proper format for your application.

For example, if your application uses CUDA, you should limit which GPUs are used with:


CPU core usage #

Since we are using gpu.q slots to represent GPUs rather than the usual CPU cores, there is no way to ensure that a GPU node’s CPU cores don’t get oversubscribed. For this reason, please limit your CPU core usage to 4 CPU cores per GPU requested. This will prevent CPU core overloading on all the GPU node types.

Monitor GPU usage #

SGE summaries on GPU usage for a specific machine #

If you know the name of the compute node where your job is running, you can ask SGE to summarize the GPU usage on that machine, including use from other jobs than yours. This can be done from one the login and development hosts, e.g.

[alice@dev2 ~]$ qconf -se msg-iogpu3
hostname              msg-iogpu3
load_scaling          NONE
complex_values        mem_free=128000M
load_values           arch=lx-amd64,num_proc=32,mem_total=128739.226562M, \
                      swap_total=4095.996094M,virtual_total=132835.222656M, \
                      m_socket=2,m_core=16,m_thread=32,load_avg=5.020000, \
                      load_short=4.640000,load_medium=5.020000, \
                      load_long=5.110000,mem_free=124798.726562M, \
                      swap_free=4095.996094M,virtual_free=128894.722656M, \
                      mem_used=3940.500000M,swap_used=0.000000M, \
                      virtual_used=3940.500000M,cpu=17.700000, \
                      np_load_avg=0.156875,np_load_short=0.145000, \
                      np_load_medium=0.156875,np_load_long=0.159688, \
                      gpu.ncuda=2,gpu.ndev=2,gpu.cuda.0.mem_free=758054912, \
                      gpu.cuda.0.procs=1,gpu.cuda.0.clock=2025, \
                      gpu.cuda.0.util=57,gpu.cuda.1.mem_free=758054912, \
                      gpu.cuda.1.procs=1,gpu.cuda.1.clock=2025, \
                      gpu.cuda.1.util=54,gpu.names=GeForce GTX 1080;GeForce \
                      GTX 1080;
processors            32
user_lists            NONE
xuser_lists           NONE
projects              NONE
xprojects             NONE
usage_scaling         NONE
report_variables      NONE

This tells us that host msg-iogpu3 has two GeForce GTX 1080 GPUs. Each GPU is running one process, each is just over 50% utilized, and each has approximately 722 MiB (758,054,912 bytes) of free memory.

GPU profiling from within job #

One can also use NVIDIA’s Data Center GPU Manager to get detailed profiling of GPU jobs. To use it, add the following at the beginning of your job script before you launch the software tools that use the GPUs:

gpuprof=$(dcgmi group --create mygpus --add "$SGE_GPU" | awk '{print $10}')
dcgmi stats --group "$gpuprof" --enable
dcgmi stats --group "$gpuprof" --jstart "$JOB_ID"

Make sure to stop the GPU profile when the job finishes, by putting the following at the end of your job script:

dcgmi stats --group "$gpuprof" --jstop "$JOB_ID"
dcgmi stats --group "$gpuprof" --verbose --job "$JOB_ID"
dcgmi group --delete "$gpuprof"

The GPU stats will be written to the job’s output file.